A lot of things have happened lately, or I have gotten to know about, that makes me stop and wonder what is wrong with people? It's actually sad that the future of this country, heck this whole world, lies in the hands of some of the people I've come across in the last three years. (Do note that I'm not saying I'm a good person and everyone else is bad, I know what kind of a person I am, and I'm not proud of it, but at least I do have that basic sense of humanity.)
I know this girl who was very good friends with a couple of other girls, and one day she just told them that she cannot be friends with them because they don't study well enough and that she cannot just waste away her future for people like that. I never knew that grades were a criteria on the basis of which one became friends with someone, and if this is a new trend, I'm not going to be a part of it because I think it's very wrong to judge people in such a manner when making friends. It's almost like saying you're making friends to use them and nothing more. (Again I do say I'm no saint, I've had my share of prejudices against certain people, but I have realized that you should never judge anyone without getting to know them first, and I have learned from it as well.)
This is an issue I have no right to comment about, but still will, because it actually scares me sometimes. The other day I saw some guy advertising "Rape Porn Downloaded" on DC++ (college LAN). I have no issues with what guys do, it's their life, if that's what they like to do, then so be it. I just cannot swallow the fact that some guys can watch a girl get raped and not feel sympathy for the girl and disgust for the people who are doing it. The guys who watch stuff like this are the ones that will go out into the real world with good jobs, find themselves a nice girl, and settle down with her. It may not even affect their lives in any way, but if people can watch a girl get raped and enjoy it then I'm sorry but I can never think of them as good no matter how educated they are, no matter how smart they are.
Remember that story about the goose that would lay one golden egg everyday, and how the greedy man who owned the egg killed the goose and cut open its stomach thinking he'd find many golden eggs? I've seen it happen in real life, though not out of greed, maybe jealousy, maybe pure fun? I won't go into details here though for at least with respect to my class it's understood.
I made the mistake of thinking that everyone one will be as good as my friends back in school and listen to you when you're sad and really be there for you in the middle of a crisis. I made the mistake of thinking that I could do that with people here, and I got nothing in return. People don't even take the time out to listen to someone who is distressed. When I came home and I met one of my school friends, I realized how much she was there for me when I needed to just talk. She just listened to what I had to say, and that's all I wanted from people around me in college. I was seriously a fool to think everyone cares, because frankly speaking very few do.
The worst is an incident I cannot directly talk about, but I'll tell you it's a very serious incident. Fine whatever happened couldn't be avoided, but just know this much, the girl who was at the center of this incident will be haunted by it for the rest of her life. Her best friend knew about what was happening, yet still didn't tell anyone about it. When it did come out, this best friend betrayed her, while two girls who had fought with this girl a couple of years ago were the ones who stood up for her and did something about it. When they asked for help, no one got up to help, everyone just laughed about it and left. When anyone is in trouble, you're supposed to help them out, not crack jokes about it, not leave them to deal with it on their own, especially if in desperation they've even asked for help. I'm convinced that even if someone lies dying in our college, no one would get up to help them, not one soul.
People don't know how to mind their own business, they have all the time in the world to sit and gossip and say bad things about others. People have all the time to sit and notice how a girl and a guy are sitting in the canteen (best part is they are a couple), they have all the time to make up stories about how a girl and a guy who study together are committed (they're just study partners), they have all the time in the world to talk nonsense about the rest of the world (they should take a look in the mirror), but when they are supposed to mind someone else's business, they aren't around. When someone needs help then people get up and leave, the same people who would show up first in someone's room to hear the latest news. Why do people have this kind of attitude? Ask these people for advice and all they'll say is they cannot help you. Why?
It's like people do not have any humanity left in them, they have no feelings for what happens around them. You can't even trust anyone enough to cry on their shoulders because even if with great difficulty they listen today, tomorrow they'll sit and laugh at all that you said. Everyone's become so apathetic, and all for what? What was the point of getting an education if you can't even help someone in need? What was the point of working hard for four long years if you can't even give advice to a friend in need? Then one of my friends pointed out to me that it's not education that makes a person good, it's character. People who don't even know how to read may be a person a million times better than someone who has two to three degrees. By educating someone you cannot give him or her a good heart, for a heart is something that comes from within.
The world is going to the dogs? It makes me laugh because even a dog is loyal and faithful, even a dog protects. The world is going to something a lot worse...
serious post, really serious!
There are issues that need to be addressed and resolved. But considering the present scene, I am not very hopeful! Anyways let us be sensible and do our part.
A college education does not breed character, life and what u learn from it breeds character, mediocrity and apathy are a way of life, and those that are going to dare to be different are goin to be in a minority and frowned upon. I can only borrow a youung writers words and say "many people have died for what they believe ...The real courage is in living and suffering for what you believe." All of us make our choice of belonging to the safety of a majority, or the uncomparable satisfaction of belonging to a minority.
I am not sure how to react to your comments... Generally we as people are very escapists, we try to see things that we are not capable of doing... Lets say... For example - we lke watching superman becoz he is cool and he can fly (something we cant, and wudnt try). And let me clarify that I am justifying the act of "rape" in any way possible.
To Anonymous: Dude I sure do hope you forgot the "not" in your sentence- "And let me clarify that I am justifying the act of "rape" in any way possible."
Because if you didn't, then I must say "rape" can never be justified, never!
life is very difficult..we often do things we don't really believe in. That is why I think, when people don't have integrity, and do things like these, the will definitely regret them later. It's a loss for all of us, as we lose something important, when we give in to momentary feelings, and lose the big picture...
i think it was better for the two girls for they found out who their real friend was before it was too late.
as for the "rape" thing, those videos are just for people, who want to watch their fantasies being played out. and the girls are very much faking it in those videos, and very much actively participating. infact, the rate of sex crimes is abysmally low in countries where porn like that is freely available e.g. scandinavian countries and japan!
i liked that u cared enough to write this post and i really hope that it serves as an eye-opener for all concerned...write ups like this are necessary to realize that the world is indeed going to something far worse than dogs..
keep it up
That was an amazing read ... but i have a question ? Is it only in the last 3 yrs that we have come across such people or were too naive and unsuspecting to recognize such faces among our childhood acquaintances ? Haven't some of our adolescent companions grown into such forms who this writing tries to portray ?
Anyways that's irrelevant. I just hope that those who have some sense left, some dignity left to hang on to, they remain the way they are. Congrats for what has been one of the most honest and open account in a long time from anyone.
To Anonymous:
Yes I guess we were too naive to realize that people around us were like that. But now it's much easier to see what people have become. Thank you for the comment :)
How could I be so late in reading this? sorry..!
1. Advice for GIRL 1. You choose friends on the basis of pointers.. Good enough.!! You'll never make friends.. only acquaintances.!.....2. As far as DC++ is concerned, there is no point in worrying about it.. You have all sorts bad things written in public places in India.. its the same breed..there will always be people lacking a sense of whats right or wrong......3. I'll add one more line to what you had to say.. All our actions today are guided by greed and a never ending yearn for profits.. I wont pick a piece of chocolate wrapper in my class if it does not have chocolate in it..!!...
---And well written.. :)
Sorry for posting such a late comment this time.The issue u brought up does need attention from the society and to make ppl realize that world can be a much better place if they are just a little more considerate . If u judge ppl on any fact then u are never making friends ,they are just acquaintances.Friends are those u stand up however and whatever they are. A very well written post and sadly all these incidences are true
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