Saturday, August 16, 2008

Friends Forever?

It's been a long time since I wrote, and my only excuse is placement fever and post-placement writer's block.

Hoping that at least this one last year would be trouble free has proved to be disastrous. Yet it doesn't bother me much, as at the end of it all, the people who I care about and who should matter to me aren't the ones I have any complains against. I know one thing for sure, that when I pass out, I'll at least know who my true friends are, and it's real good to know that. One true friend is worth more than a million fake ones. I really wish people around me would realize that as well.

College is supposed to be the best years of one's lives, and sadly I cannot say that because I have been through a lot. People say that the friends you make in college will be your friends for life, and it took me three years to realize who can become my friends for life and who cannot. Friendship is not to be taken lightly, but most people around me do take it lightly. Yet I don't blame them, for at some point in our lives, we all take friendship for granted.

I had a friend in school, and I guess after I joined college I neglected her. I never meant to, for she doesn't know it but she still means a lot to me and always will, no matter what happened between us, but somewhere something went wrong and now we don't talk anymore. Misunderstandings happen, and if not fixed at the right time, they become things you learn to regret for the rest of your lives.

What college taught me about friendship is never to take it for granted and to learn to cherish your friends for life. True friendship comes rarely and in the strangest forms, at the strangest times. If you let these friends slip away, it'll just leave an emptiness that will never go away, provided you realize your mistake. The worst part is that most people don't realize their mistakes, or realize them too late.

In the future, I'll do my best to make an effort to never take anyone for granted, because it's a really bad feeling, and I know how it feels. College life has taught me a lot...


Anita said...

most people take friends for granted i guess they are supposed to be taken and if you cannot then they arent your true friends but of course you are right that they one should not hurt them and the year has just started maybe your hopes will fulfilled .

Unknown said...

That was a touching one.........seriously!But don't be sad sweetheart as u know too that many other people in college have been thru the same,don't u???n friendship is a relation which is not formed explicitly........its possibly more spontaneous than love is...

linusvanpelt said...

i think that if you are really good friends, then it doesnt really matter that for how long you two talk again and things like that, for i have friends that it alk to after years and still it feels like we've always been talking. thoough neglecting is quite a different thing all together.

Anonymous said...

one thing i've realised over the years is that when it comes to friendship everybody has their own style. some people are very expressive while others prefer to keep things understated. it's a reflection of who they are as people. so it's important to not have a preset notion about the way a friend ought to be. n sometimes it's easy to fall out of touch if neither person is very proactive. but i think as long you see in the other person somebody you can count on during the hard times, you know you have a true friend on your hands.
It's always thought-provoking to read your posts :)

ATAullah said...

It was almost as if my life was put on the screen . I have always taken them for granted , always . But true friends that they are , they always come back . The sad part is that even if I realise my mistake , I still tend to go back on the same path again . It surely takes a lot from me to maintain it .
Thank You for the post . Will cherish it always . :)
and I bet You've got friends worth dying for !